martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

The Passion of The Christ

I've been recently watching The Passion of the Christ. And the movie has made me think a few things. What I've seen so far doesn't go further that Jesus carrying his cross. While watching how he was judged, I realised that things may be quite similar to how they are nowadays. People obeyed what a leader said. "Crucify him!" is what he needs to say to begin a chorus with the follower's voices. The governor doesn't want to kill him. "I find no sin in this man". He offers to liberate Jesus or a wellknown assasin. People, obstinated with the death of Jesus, chose the killer as the one to be free. 
The Governor punished him severely. But the punishers went over the limit and almost killed Jesus. They laughed at him. And enjoyed with his suffering. This made me questionate, is that different from current situations? Doesn't people usually rejoice in others pain? The ones who wanted to condemn him, had to leave the place because they coulnd't stand the vission of such a cruel treatment. And although they weren't brave enough to watch the repercussion of their actions, they still asked for a crufixion. Don't we avoid looking at disgrace? Don't we avoid looking at the consequences of our acts?
I find human beings, as you can tell from other writings of mine, as evilness in its purest way. Blinded by our rage and our feeling of leadership, we might rather follow someone with iniciative than helping the one we are supposed to be against of. I would fall in redundancy if I'd begin to explain my theories again so I'll avoid it. But, as I've already written, we are not better than the ones who began wars and killed nations. We are the same, exactly the same and one day, we'll realise it.

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