miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

You are not you anymore.

+Let me comunicate you sir, the glittering fact that you ain't happy. 
-Let me say you Madame, the devastating truth which is that the fact before mentioned, is just a mere consequence of your acts.
+Excuse me but I must make you consider the suitability of this conversation between you and I.
-In all probability it is Madame. Were a man not to be sincere, he would contribute to this society stained of hypocrisy. And now, being candid, I will proceed. First of all, "my love", there is not a single day I spend without thinking of her. Not a single hour I can be without dreaming of her. And not a single minute I bear without her. Nor a second. Moreover, "darling" I may be in love with her. What is more, "angel", I can not stand these years passing by. Every moment burns. My skin is full of invisible bruises. My heart is fixed up with patches. My soul is torn in various ways. So, I beg your pardon if the bitterness enclosed in my eyes bothered you. But the sorrow in my soul can be completely hidden everywhere but in my look. As they say, eyes are the soul's mirror.
+I am quite confused. Would you mind to clarify  who does "her"refer to?
-It was you, honey, it was you. You are not "her" anymore, you sold your soul for social category. You sold youself in order to gain prestige. You sold the one I earnestly love, to gain the fake smile from the rest of the world.

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